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Announcements, Data Dynamics, Data Dynamics Analysis

Data Dynamics Analysis beta released

I’m way late in posting this. Last Saturday I assisted Luc with getting out the beta for Data Dynamics Analysis. Analysis is the latest in a line of Business Intelligence components that Data Dynamics is creating. Analysis will allow end-users to explore the data within a database, OLAP cube, or dataset and uncover the hidden gems to answer the questions they need to run their business.

The powerful combination of a pivot table with chart analysis allows users to quickly grasp the data they are seeing while the intuitive drag and drop environment allows users to easily create views that answer their questions.

I hope everyone can get a chance to check out the product, it really is an innovative control.

About James

I am a Solutions Architect for DataMaaS, LLC. I previously spent over 7 years as a Product Manager for what eventually became ComponentOne, a division of GrapeCity. While there, I helped to create ActiveReports 7, GrapeCity ActiveAnalysis, and Data Dynamics Reports.


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